Business runners are often in a dilemma about using their company cars. They are often concerned about the HMRC tax payable on the use of the company car. However, there are clauses that will help them get some exception. And it is the responsibility of the professional tax advisors and accountants to guide their clients … Continue reading Role of an Accountant in Helping Clients Reduce HMRC Tax on Company Car
Thanks to the new Off-Payroll working rules, often referred to as the New Rules, which have come into effect on and from 6th April 2021, the professional accountants have their tasks cut out. They have the responsibility of guiding their clients to make the most of the new rules. Here is where, probably the advantage … Continue reading Roles & Responsibilities of Professional Accountants in Regards to New Pay-off Working Rules
When it comes to calculating the VAT a professional accountant cannot be lackluster, as it will invite a plethora of troubles in the form of errors that will put the clients in rough weather. That is the reason you must opt for a quality accountant, who will come up with some error-free VAT inspection. Therefore, … Continue reading What are the Top 10 VAT Inspection Errors that Seasoned Accountants Avoid?
Before we get into the thick of things, let us at first see what National Insurance (NI) is. Technically speaking, NI has similarities to income tax, but with a difference. Unlike income tax, NI helps to pay up for certain state benefits at times when an individual needs assistance in certain situations, like when they … Continue reading Role of Experienced Accountants in Providing Guidance on HMRC Class 2 National Insurance
The COVID 19 driven pandemic has shaken the economic structure of states all over the world from very within. And the ordeal is still not over. As England reels under the fresh bout of the British strain of the coronavirus, the Government has slapped fresh lockdown, with the next announcement expected around 22nd February 2021. … Continue reading The Role of Accountants in Helping Businesses to Fight the COVID Crisis
Value Added Tax (VAT), in layman’s terms, can be defined as a tax that is levied on the consumption of various goods and services. Generally, any business would charge VAT on its customers based on the sales that they have generated. It will then remit the VAT that it has collected, to the National Tax … Continue reading What is Going to be the Likely Impact on VAT after Brexit?
The COVID 19-driven pandemic has changed our lives for quite some time, if not forever. It has changed the way we live, we think and above all, we behave. This sudden and all-encompassing change has affected every area of our life. The world of business has also seen a sea change during the post lockdown … Continue reading Efficacy of Cloud-based Accountancy in New normal Situation
Thanks to the COVID 19-triggered pandemic and the resulting lockdown, the economic scenario has seen a sea change in every aspect, prompting the governments from around the world to take steps on the economic front to deal with issues. The Govt. of the UK is no exception. It has brought in quite a few changes … Continue reading Things to Know About to Run Business in This Neo-Normal Pandemic-Ridden Scenario
Now that the economies around the world are opening up slowly with an effort to fight the pandemic and the financial meltdown, a lot of measures are being taken by the states to counter the fallout of the lockdown. New steps are taken and businesses and austerity measures in the form of financial push in … Continue reading The New Financial Schemes during the Post Pandemic Period
It is said that every dark cloud has a silver lining. The current pandemic situation has acted as a severe curse for the entire world. Still, in one way or the other, it has revealed one good thing that has so far been left either unrealized or unaccounted for – it’s the benefits of cloud-based … Continue reading How Cloud-Based Accounting System Is Beneficial For Business during This Pandemic Period