Tag Archives: accountants

Grants That You Can Receive to Support Your Small Business

In the UK, you can get various grants with which you can support and grow your small business in Reading. Here, we will discuss some of them so that you get an idea of what to opt for as an entrepreneur. All you need to do is go through the blog and talk to accountants … Continue reading Grants That You Can Receive to Support Your Small Business

The Latest Information About 2024 Capital Gains Tax Changes

Before we discuss the changes that capital gains tax has seen in 2024, let us know what capital gain tax is, and why it is so important. Capital Gain Tax or CGT, can be defined as a form of tax that is charged when you sell, give away, exchange or otherwise get rid of any … Continue reading The Latest Information About 2024 Capital Gains Tax Changes

Reduce Your Corporation’s Tax Bill by Following These Steps

All limited companies in the UK need to pay corporation tax on their profits. The rate for this tax was increased to 25% in April 2023. Now, as a business owner in Reading, if you are wondering how you can minimise it or whether there are methods to do so, this discussion can help. But … Continue reading Reduce Your Corporation’s Tax Bill by Following These Steps

Changes in Capital Gains Tax in 2024 – Points to Know

A few changes in capital gains tax were announced in the budget of November 2022. It was announced that the changes will take place in 2023 and 2024. Today, we will be taking a look at these changes. So, if you are reading and speculating about the differences, now is the time to go through … Continue reading Changes in Capital Gains Tax in 2024 – Points to Know

How to Manage Your Business Debt With Accounting?

As a business owner, one of the things that you will always want to avoid is debt. However, sometimes debt can become part and parcel of your business. But if you are in Reading, you need not worry since you can manage the same with the help of suggestions provided to you by the best … Continue reading How to Manage Your Business Debt With Accounting?

A Brief Account of VAT charged on a Mixed Property in the UK

Before we get into the thick of things in regards to VAT charged on mixed property, let’s find out what a mixed property is. Going by the legal definition in accordance to the UK laws, a property that has both residential as well as non-residential elements in it can be termed as a mixed property.  … Continue reading A Brief Account of VAT charged on a Mixed Property in the UK

What All Does an Accountant Need to Tell You about Multiple Dwelling Relief?

Before we get into an in depth discussion about Multiple Dwelling Relief, let us at first what it is. By lay man’s terms, it is an exemption provided by the HMRC to an individual, on the tax that is payable on the monetary transaction for the purchase of more than one dwellings.  In fact, a … Continue reading What All Does an Accountant Need to Tell You about Multiple Dwelling Relief?

Roles & Responsibilities of Professional Accountants in Regards to New Pay-off Working Rules

Thanks to the new Off-Payroll working rules, often referred to as the New Rules, which have come into effect on and from 6th April 2021, the professional accountants have their tasks cut out. They have the responsibility of guiding their clients to make the most of the new rules. Here is where, probably the advantage … Continue reading Roles & Responsibilities of Professional Accountants in Regards to New Pay-off Working Rules

Role of Experienced Accountants in Providing Guidance on HMRC Class 2 National Insurance

Before we get into the thick of things, let us at first see what National Insurance (NI) is. Technically speaking, NI has similarities to income tax, but with a difference. Unlike income tax, NI helps to pay up for certain state benefits at times when an individual needs assistance in certain situations, like when they … Continue reading Role of Experienced Accountants in Providing Guidance on HMRC Class 2 National Insurance

What is Going to be the Likely Impact on VAT after Brexit?

Value Added Tax (VAT), in layman’s terms, can be defined as a tax that is levied on the consumption of various goods and services. Generally, any business would charge VAT on its customers based on the sales that they have generated. It will then remit the VAT that it has collected, to the National Tax … Continue reading What is Going to be the Likely Impact on VAT after Brexit?